Learning to continue selling during COVID is challenging , painting is not. Painting without distractions is always good! This year has started positively with sales and new canvases in various stages of completion. I am going to answer a few queries I frequently get:………I don’t do commissions…and this is why……spontaneity is key to a successful painting for me; otherwise I spend my time second guessing the customers requests and it becomes laboured. You see it, You buy it!
I am artist, administrator, sales person …I sell directly from my home in Dublin and at art fairs. It is a relaxed no pressure situation. Maybe you see nothing you like, maybe you want to view in your own home…no problem, I am hugely indecisive so I sympathise!
Overseas; At the moment I am only selling from Dublin. If you would like to purchase please be aware that delivery is initiated from your end. Brexit has caused issues too. I’m frequently asked to ship etc all around the world…for now its not possible , sorry.
If you would like more images or video of a particular piece of art just contact me with your e mail and I will get back to you.
I love what I do and push myself to experiment and create a new effect or new approach to a well known subject. Drawing is key…best pictures start off with a strong footprint, and then I remove detail to hopefully leave an impression of a subject…Hopefully the viewer can then interpret it in their own way and it becomes personal.
I hope 2022 brings all good things and maybe a deeper understanding of what matters in life!