Pigs on Parade 2015


Pigs on Parade 2015

Participating to raise funds for Jack and Jill.  

Check out The  Hugh Lane Gallery in Parnell Square to see my pig "Up, Up and away Toby's Journey" ...photos on facebook.. see link to Facebook page on welcome front page. Get all the info below  about where the 100  pigs are located in Dublin; maps; how to bid; auction etc etc....




RDS Art Source 2014...A36

I will be participating at Art Source,  RDS  this year. I look forward to seeing old and new customers ....  you will find me in the same place!  Busy getting everything finished and ready, always so much to do!!

Thursday 13th November ...5pm - 9pm Preview.

14th November - 16th November.




Mc Nally Handy, Dublin 2

Three of my favourite paintings have gone to a good home ! Thank you to McNally Handy for keeping the three paintings together. The dynamic is important when they are displayed together and I am always delighted when this happens!

The three are 'We mean business', 'The Crowd,' and 'Be the one who leads'.  Click on my facebook link above  for images.




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Working on a new series of faces, very abstract emerging from the canvas as if from a mist. Less is more in this case and that is the hardest thing of all! I keep over doing and scrapping different attempts.

Still I love doing them and when they work, they work!

Check out a couple I have added to the figurative page, let me know what you think. Feedback is always welcome.


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Studio West Cork

Just back from West Cork to witness the results from the hurricane last Wednesday, 12th Feb..

Trees down everywhere , the landscape looked so different. the biggest tree, all 50 tons of it ,

fell and struck the studio, luckily the damage was minimal but the grounds look like a war zone!

Looking forward to dry, settled weather so we can get the grounds back to normal. On a positive note..there is a lot more light! check out my face book page (link on front page) for some photos.
